How To Replace a Medical Marijuana Card in Washington

Replacement For Washington Medical Marijuana Card Online

Can I Replace My Washington Medical Marijuana Card?

Yes. Registered medical cannabis cardholders in Washington can replace their medical marijuana cards. The most common reasons for requesting the replacement of medical marijuana cards are loss, destruction, and theft.

Do I Need to Report a Lost or Stolen Washington Medical Marijuana Card?

No, medical marijuana cardholders in Washington do not need to report lost or stolen medical cannabis cards.

How to Get a Replacement Medical Marijuana Card in Washington

A registered medical marijuana cardholder who wishes to replace their medical marijuana card must do the following:

  • Schedule an appointment with a medical cannabis certified consultant at a Washington medically-endorsed store
  • Go for the appointment with their medical cannabis authorization form
  • Pay the applicable fee
  • The certified consultant will then do the following:
  • Compare the authorization information with the cardholder’s state identification
  • Generate and print a replacement medical cannabis card

Cost of a Washington Medical Marijuana Replacement Card

Washington charges $1 for each replacement card. However, medically-endorsed stores can charge between $1 and $10 for each medical marijuana card produced. Persons requesting medical marijuana card replacements in the state can pay the required fee with credit or debit cards, checks, money orders, or cash.

How Long to Get a Replacement Washington Medical Marijuana Card?

Typically, medical marijuana cards are replaced at the stores by certified consultants. Therefore, they should be available immediately upon request.

Replacement For Medical Marijuana Card

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